On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 04:15:49AM -0400, alexus wrote:

Dear alexus,

> let me just end my lines with that even though looks like inter7 is
> bunch of ........ i'm sure they are still a good people:)

Let me begin my assessment of your ad hominem attack with an exec
summary: you suck.

Having proven over an extended period of time that your are an
incompetent luser with the technical expertise of an amoeba, you are
now publicly attacking members of a company that offers a whole host
of free software (very good software at that). 

Now, apart from the fact that you do not leave the impression of being
able to assess inter7's technical expertise due to the fact that your
technical understanding does not extend beyond clicking on setup.exe,
I have also yet to see someone using their MUA in the way you do and
yet be able to competently run a mail server.

It may come as a surprise to you, but this is not the correct place to
discuss your intellectual shortcomings, your very own non-qmail
related technical problems (like, not wasting everyone's bandwidth
(for which some people have to pay, you know?) with your luser
software) or your personal problems with some help-desk staff
somewhere on this planet.

And while we're at it: 3rd party patches, MySQL and all of inter7's
software do not belong here, either. "Not belong" as in "go read the
instructions on cr.yp.to and then unsubscribe or - preferably - die".
Robin S. Socha - Your Worst Network Nightmare(tm).
`In Germany, they are not referred to as network administrators. They
prefer to be called "Sons Of The Third Reich".' (Kate: www.katewerk.com)

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