On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 09:58:04PM -0400, alexus wrote:
> i was checking something and i founds this
> my mail server seems to have tons of 
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue
> running at the same time.. about 30 of them

The process actually listening on port 25 forks a qmail-smtpd for every
incoming conneciton. qmail-queue is then run to place the mail safely in
the queue.

> any ideas why?

Read /var/qmail/doc/INTERNALS.
> nothin intersting in maillog

I find that hard to believe. At the moment you see that many
qmail-queues hanging around, qmail-smtpd's logs should read something
like so, if logged through tcpserver:

@400000003b5cd7620a221bcc tcpserver: status: 30/xx

where xx is either 40 or whatever is specified in the 'run' file for
qmail-smtpd. ISTR that inetd does some sort of logging of how many
processes it has opened, but it's been so long since I used inetd for
anything that I've forgotten.

Greg White

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