Am 27.07.2001 um 14:35:17 schrieb Michele Schiavo:

Hi Michele,

> Who i can set up qmail to accept e-mail from a secific client?

depends on how you have setup qmail.

> I have RedHat 7.0 and qmail.
> I try to use the file /etc/hosts.allow for insert the list of my client

you can specify a group of hosts in /etc/hosts.allow and do not have to
list each single machine.
> can send e-mail but it don't work.

/etc/hosts.allow has nothing to do with qmail relaying. It's probably a
good idea not to list any host without knowing why.

> I try to change the /etc/xinet.d/smtp 

it is not recommended to use inet.d with qmail. You should use tcpserver

> in line server and server argument to 
> change tcp-env in tcpd and meke the file /etc/ 

this is not for inet.d but for tcpserver. If you switch to tcpserver you

a) create an /etc/tcp.smtp (or similar) and
b) build the /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb from this file

detailled information can be found on

Good luck


"Contrary to popular belief, Unix is user friendly.
It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with."

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