On 2001.07.26 16:11 alexus wrote:
> hello everyone
> I have 3 different servers at different locations on different
> backbones.
> ...now what I need to do is somehow implement some kind of redundancy
> on
> e-mail system ... each of domains that hosts on my servers has all of
> those
> servers as ns and mx records in dns ... the question is.. is it
> possible
> somehow to implement something that if 1 server is down at one time
> person
> still be able to retrive his/her email from another server and in
> addition
> to that person shouldn't know that one of the server is down ? (i.e.
> he
> wouldn't have to change any settings on his/her end in order to
> retrive
> e-mail)
> thank you in advance

Not really.  The closest you can really come to redundancy would be to
put in MX records for all the servers with differing priorities (the one
where mail is stored should be marked with the lowest number) and put
the domain just into the control/rcpthosts file on the other two and not
into the control/locals file.  The reason you cannot have a seamless
uptime over three different servers spread across the US is because
clients would somehow have to be able to connect to a server where the
mail is stored.  Unless you can figure out a way to get the mail servers
to synchronize the queue over the 'net, you're out of luck.

BTW, tell your MUA to wrap your messages at 72 characters, it quotes
better then. ^ ^

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

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