
i am having problems with qmail-scanner. Emails without viruses
are delivered without problems, but emails containing viruses
are not. if i send a virus to my server my log file is flooded
with /bin/sh option lists. see this example: 

Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.723919 sh: - : unrecognized option
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.725266 Usage:?sh [GNU long option] 
[option] ...
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.725451 ?sh [GNU long option] [option] 
script-file ...
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.726332 GNU long options:
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.726541 ?--debug
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.727823 ?--dump-po-strings
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.728720 ?--dump-strings
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.730062 ?--help
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.730956 ?--login
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.731152 ?--noediting
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.732205 ?--noprofile
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.733088 ?--norc
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.733281 ?--posix
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.734324 ?--rcfile
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.735210 ?--restricted
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.735406 ?--verbose
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.736698 ?--version
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.737591 ?--wordexp
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.737781 Shell options:
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.738884 ?-irsD or -c command??(invocation 
Jul 30 12:02:12 d smtpd: 996487332.739853 ?-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP or -o option 

I search qmail-scanner-queue.pl to see if there is /bin/sh execution
with wrong paramteres, but there it seems there is none. 

Any help or ideas ? 


Philipp Steinkrüger 

Oberberg Online
Tel.: +49 2261 814240
Fax: +49 2261 814919

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