>From any e-mail I send through our server:

Received: (qmail 20807 invoked by uid 0); 30 Jul 2001 15:08:06 -0000
Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] by pluto2001.office.internal with
qmail-scanner-0.96 (uvscan: v4.1.40/v4121. . Clean. Processed in 0.193495
secs); 30 Jul 2001 15:08:06 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO doc2) (
  by pluto.office.internal with SMTP; 30 Jul 2001 15:08:06 -0000

When qmail delivers the mail, the machine name shouldn't be
'pluto2001.office.internal' it should be 'pluto.office.internal'. pluto2001
was the name of the machine while it was in 'test' phase, and has been
removed from all DNS, hosts etc. Why does qmail still think it's called
that? And why does it change?


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