On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 02:12:37PM -0700, Abbe DeMoss wrote:
> Hiya.
> I'm having a problem with SMTP connections to my mailserver, particularly 
> those from Outlook, which simply are not working no matter how long I set 
> the SMTP timeout to be on the client end.  If I manually connect to my mail 
> server (telnet mail 25) I get a 'Connected to..' immediately -- that's 
> inetd -- but then the next line '220 blah blah ESTMP' doesn't come up for 
> somewhere between 30 and 120 seconds.  However, if I do it locally -- 
> (telnet localhost 25) I get an immediate ESMTP response.

Wow. Been on the list long? This is the number one (IMO) FAQ for qmail.
It's been answered at least once _today_. Please try to lurk a little
longer next time. It's frustrating to everyone to answer the same
question constantly.

> I'm running inetd -> tcpd -> tcp-env -> qmail-smtpd.  This is on a mandrake 
> 7.2 box.
>       from my inetd.conf : 
> smtp    stream  tcp    nowait  qmaild  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env 
> I've also tried this with a -R argument to tcp-env to keep it from doing 
> ident lookups, and this has made no discernable difference.

You need to stop if from doing a reverse DNS lookup, most likely. IMO
this is best achieved with tcpserver*. Go forth and read:


If that does not get you up and running tcpserver & qmail-smtpd, plus
setting RELAYCLIENT properly, within 15 minutes of reading and
understanding, then you need more help than anyone can give. :)

*1. The reverse lookup might not be for the client -- it might be for

*2. I hate inetd. I've hated it for years. Most people on this list
don't like it either, and don't use it. I've forgotten anything useful
about inetd.

Greg White

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