At 18:22 31.07.2001 -0300, Francisco André Barbosa Neto wrote:
>                 Hi my name is Andre, I'm using qmail for a long time in the
>same machine, when I start using qmail, sometimes it seems to stop work, so
>I run qmail-stop an qmail-start again and it delivery many messages that are
>in it's message spool, nowadays, my qmail starts a qmail-smtpd process,
>complete the action, but it didn't finish the process, and after 1 hour it
>finish that process. I have a busy server, about 3 thousand messages by day,
>and it happens not all the time, but in a random mode.
>                 Somebody has an idea of what are happening??


Hmm, interesting...

I'd be taking a closer look at items such as,

  - Whether there's any problem with your 'Trigger'; see
    that /var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger, which should be
    owned by user qmails, group qmail, with permissions
    prw--w--w-  (NB the p at the start for a named pipe).

  - Try and get some angle on the behaviour of *your*
    system, and the mails coming into it. Checkout the
    qmail-qstat command, to see the number of messages
    in the queue (and whether they're preprocessed). Think
    about whether you expect most mails to be delivered
    locally or to be relayed to machines elsewhere; then
    take a look at your log files to see if that's indeed
    what's happening. If you're relaying a lot, you may
    need to increase your concurrencyremote.

  - Once you've done the above, you might like to post
    your findings to the list. In particular, the list
    members will want to know "What do the logs say".
    If you solve the problem, tell us that too...

On the (lack of) information you've given us so far, the
above can only be broad guesses of where to look.



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