
I am STUPID. I did not know and consequently did not mention that my qmail
was running on my Redhat 7 running xinetd and NOT inetd. xinetd is, as far
as I can find, not covered in the LWQ or 1.03 Install procedure. I installed
tcpserver as LWQ said I should but the xinetd.d/smtp config file was in
charge and it was NOT calling tcpserver but using itself which meant that
tcp.smtp.cdb was not being invoked.

Found this on a web page, I forget where, but it has saved my butt. Thanks
to the guy who posted this:

xinetd.d/smtp config file:

       flags                   = NAMEINARGS
       socket_type             = stream
       wait                    = no
       user                    = qmaild
       server                  = /usr/sbin/tcpd
       server_args             = /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
       disable                 = no


I rebooted and now selective relaying is working like a champ.

Thanks for all the responses and suggestions to my stupid problem, it has
been quite a learning experience.

Scott Zielsdorf
Senior Technical Support Consultant
Computer Instruments IVR Solutions Support Group
Voice: 913.492.1888 x8862 Fax: 913.492.1483

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