Title: Reducing Time-Out for Unresolved Hosts

I've been lurking for about a week now - and I have a fairly simple question, that maybe someone can help me with.

By default I noticed that qmail waits 7 days before sending an error message back to a user indicating that a message was undeliverable in the case where a user miskeys the domain portion of the e-mail address to a domain with a non-existant MX record.

I created a queuelifetime file in the /qmail/control/ directory and decreased that timeout to 86,400 seconds or one-day by just putting "86400" in the queuelifetime file. 

Is this the correct procedure?  Also will this override the default value of attempting to deliver a message for 7 days?  My ultimate goal is really to just have a warning message passed back to a user in under a day, so a user can check to see if he/she made a typo when composing the e-mail.  But I still wouldn't mind qmail attempting the delivery for around 4 days in case the other parties' DNS/Mail server is down.

Thanks for any help!

Amit Kalra
Information Security Officer
Bondbook, LLC
Office: (212) 406-6370
Pager: (718) 304-5164
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