When I try to install qmail this is what I get.


[root@sp qmail-1.03]# make setup check

./auto-str auto_qmail `head -1 conf-qmail` > auto_qmail.c

./compile auto_qmail.c

./load qmail-local qmail.o quote.o now.o gfrom.o myctime.o \

slurpclose.o case.a getln.a getopt.a sig.a open.a seek.a \

lock.a fd.a wait.a env.a stralloc.a alloc.a strerr.a \

substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a datetime.a auto_qmail.o \

auto_patrn.o  `cat socket.lib`

( ./auto-uid auto_uida `head -1 conf-users` \

&&./auto-uid auto_uidd `head -2 conf-users | tail -1` \

&&./auto-uid auto_uidl `head -3 conf-users | tail -1` \

&&./auto-uid auto_uido `head -4 conf-users | tail -1` \

&&./auto-uid auto_uidp `head -5 conf-users | tail -1` \

&&./auto-uid auto_uidq `head -6 conf-users | tail -1` \

&&./auto-uid auto_uidr `head -7 conf-users | tail -1` \

&&./auto-uid auto_uids `head -8 conf-users | tail -1` \

&&./auto-gid auto_gidq `head -1 conf-groups` \

&&./auto-gid auto_gidn `head -2 conf-groups | tail -1` \

) > auto_uids.c.tmp && mv auto_uids.c.tmp auto_uids.c

fatal: unable to find user alias

make: *** [auto_uids.c] Error 111


How do I fix that??




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