On Sat, Aug 04, 2001 at 04:28:51PM +0000, pop corn wrote:
> >On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 09:41:29AM -0200, MassimoQuintini wrote:
> >>For security reason, can I disable shell in /etc/passwd for qmail >users 
> >>(qmails, qmaill, ...ect,) setting the shell to /bin/false  ?
> >
> >/bin/false is a very silly idea. /nonexistent is much better.
> >
> >Greetz, Peter.
> Hi Peter,
> This is a post that I pulled out from the archives. I think /nonexistent 
> does seem better than /bin/false.
> I would like to ask one question to clarify what is probably very obvious, 
> but I want to be certain of this.
> Is the directory /nonexistent supposed to be created or not? In other words, 
> do you want the directory not to be created so that the login fails due to 
> "missing home directory", or do you want the directory to be created, but 
> empty?


 The /nonexistent is meant to be the user's shell, not his home.

Ricardo Manuel Oliveira
Eurotux Informática, SA
Tel: +351 253257395 // +351 919475934
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