On Sun, Aug 05, 2001 at 08:35:05AM -0700, Randolph S. Kahle wrote:
> I have noticed that sometimes email messages will appear in the
> /Maildir/cur folder that have the format:
> <number>.<number>.<machine>.<domain-name>;2,

This is normal.

> I believe they also have ownership set to root:root.

This is not normal. You have a misconfiguration or you are using buggy

> When this happens, then email clients (such as Netscape) get "stuck" and
> retrieve the same message over and over again. To "fix" this, I have to
> copy the files back to the /Maildir/new folder, change ownership, and
> remove the ":2," from the file name.
> What is the purpose of the /Maildir/cur folder?

It saves any messages that have been read at least once, but not

> Why are email message left in this folder?

Because a client retrieved a message without deleting it.

> Is there a better way to handle this the next time it occurs?

Find out what's wrong with your setup. The behaviour you describe
(especially the root ownership) is not normal.

Greetz, Peter
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