
  I have a running qmail box, with (at this time) only 1 problem: The
qmail-send program write its logs to tty1 and not in the log files. I've
setted qmail up with the use of supervise und multilog (tcpserver). All the
other processes (qmail-pop3d/qmail-smtpd) are putting there logs in the
right files. so can anyone help me for solving this problem ?

Here are my running processes and the start scripts:

my running processes
   99 ?        S      0:09 svscan /service
  114 ?        S      0:00 supervise vmailmgrd
  115 ?        S      0:00 supervise log
  116 ?        S      0:00 supervise qmail-pop3d
  117 ?        S      0:00 supervise log
  118 ?        S      0:00 supervise qmail-smtpd
  119 ?        S      0:00 supervise log
  120 ?        S      0:00 supervise qmail-send
  121 ?        S      0:03 supervise log

my qmail-send rc looks like:

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" qmail-start "Maildir"
/usr/local/bin/multilog /var/log/qmail/qmail-send

my qmail-send/log/run file:

exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t

Pichler Wolfgang

Dialog Austria
Software & Telekommunikation Ges.m.b.H.
Goethestrasse 93
A-4020 Linz

Tel             +43 (0) 70 662774 37
Fax             +43 (0) 70 662774 22
Mail            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web             www.dialog-gruppe.at


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