"Jean-Christian Imbeault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>[Mike Hodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote]
>>Another great resource is 'Life With Qmail' at www.lifewithqmail.org.
>Got that already. But as I found out it's Linux-centric. I'll be installing 
>on OpenBSD and worse for me is that I don't know OpenBSD well at all.

"Life with qmail" is *NOT* Linux-centric. I've used it myself to
install qmail under OpenBSD, Solaris, IRIX, and Tru64-UNIX. I know
others who've used it under FreeBSD and NetBSD.

Yes, it's Linux-compatible. It would be stupid to produce
documentation for any Unix software these days that isn't. As evidence
of LWQ's non-Linux-centricity, I include these quotes:

  FreeBSD: includes GCC by default

  Then, using your favorite editor, remove all of the file except the
  lines you want. For example, here's what IDS would look like for
  FreeBSD after editing:

  On BSD systems (no /etc/inittab), put the following in /etc/rc.local
  and reboot the system:

  Note: Under Solaris, the normal id program won't work right in this
  script. Instead of id, use /usr/xpg4/bin/id, e.g.:


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