On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 03:15:38PM -0230, Martin Marconcini wrote:
> > 
> > Try talking proper SMTP instead:
> > 
> > 220 megadeth.dnsalias.com ESMTP
> > helo megadeth.dnsalias.com
> > 250 megadeth.dnsalias.com
> > mail from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 250 ok
> > rcpt to:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 250 ok
> > data
> > 354 go ahead
> > Subject: Whatever
> > 
> > Whatever
> > .
> > 250 ok 997364882 qp 23545
> This way it worked...  however the mail program will say 
> from:
> to:
> Subject: whatever
> And the msg body indeed has: 
> Whatever
> IF I try mail from: martin <email..> rcpt to: martin <email.....> 
> It will happen the same... why it may not be working the other way?

If you don't put From and To headers in your message, there won't be any From
and To headers in your message. What appears in these headers has nothing to do
with the SMTP MAIL FROM and RCPT TO commands.

> > > /var/log/maillog  (when using PHP function mail() points to
> > > /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject)
> > > Aug  9 10:44:09 jupiter sendmail[20485]: f79Dgso06217: to=Martin
> > 
> > See all that stuff that says "sendmail"? qmail doesn't seem to be involved
> > here.
> It's qmail-inject (which is linked to sendmail binary)I mean I deleted
> sendmail binady from the OpenBSD box and added a sendmail linking to qmail's
> sendmail. The reason for this? It's in www.lifewithqmail.org.

Those log entries come from sendmail, *not* from any qmail program. I promise.


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