Once during an upgrade (hardware upgrade) I had to move an existing installation to 
another machine.  I tar'd up the vpopmail root directory and the /var/qmail/control 
and /var/qmail/users directory
and had no problems.  One week after the upgrade, we installed a new server to keep a 
mirror of the installation for reliability's sake, using the same methods, and it 
works well.  You still need to
do the initial install of qmail, rblsmtpd, vpopmail, etc but after that...


Jaren Peterson wrote:
> > If I reinstall QmailAdmin won't I lose all my users, forwards and aliases
> > that I have set up with the previous installation? If there is a way to
> > reinstall without losing them I would love to know!
> thanks in advance once again.
> Jaren
> P.S. Sorry bout sending that out saying I was secretary of state before.. I
> was trying to prove to my boss that without Relay Control anybody could send
> mail saying they were anybody.. :) needless to say, he believes me now and has
> let me set it up.

Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
Daniel E. Jackson                Schlumberger GeoQuest/System Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               Voice: (713) 513-2170 

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