Hi Dan.

On Sun, 21 Jan 2001 15:30:18 -0800
"Dan Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for responding so fast tomy
> I just found the following error in my apache log file:
> WARNING: chdir to /home/vpopmail/domains/test.com failed
> so im guessing its a permissions thing
> What should the permissions look like for the qmailadmin cgi file?
> mine looks like this:
> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  93060 Jan 21 21:28 qmailadmin
> also my vpasswd file looks like
> gohan# cat /home/vpopmail/domains/test.com/vpasswd
> postmaster:XKibarIOziU7s:1:0:Postmaster:/home/vpopmail/domains/test.com/post
> master:NOQUOTA

Hum, my qmailadmin is follows,
-rwsr-sr-x    1 vpopmail vchkpw      93376 Jan 21 04:35 qmailadmin

Please try to chmod 6755 and retry login.

> and yes i can receive/send mail using [EMAIL PROTECTED] password test that i
> setup on that machine
> Thanks for any help you can give!

Thanks.I see it maybe not vpopmail problem but qmailadmin problem.

Good luck!

Hayato Tominaga

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