Good Morning:

The modifications are done in autorespond.c file in qmailadmin and not in
autorespond v1.0, ok?

if ( strlen(ActionUser) == 0 ) {
  fprintf(actout, "<h2>%s</h2>\n", get_html_text("176"));

Wagner Garcia Campagner
Itautec Philco
Gerência de Des. Produtos Internet

Tel: 6097-3947
----- Original Message -----
From: "Francis P. Ling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: again the question ... autoresponder bug

> Wagner writes:
> > Good Morning Stefan:
> >
> > I had this problem too.
> >
> > So i add a few lines on the autorespomd.c file so that no autoresponder
> > be created if the lenght of the name is less than 1 caracter.
> >
> > If you want to know these lines, please write me back.
> >
> > Thank you.
> Hi, is this the patch against autoresponder v1.0 posted at
> Let me know what to add to the original source.
> Thanks.
> +----------------------------------------------------+
> | Francis P. Ling [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> | Network Administrator         +6084-333366 |
> | Pan Sarawak Co Sdn Bhd |
> +----------------------------------------------------+
> "Facts are stubborn things;  and  whatever  may be our
> wishes,  our inclinations,  or  the  dictates  of  our
> passions, they cannot alter the state of the facts and
> evidence."
>   -- John Adams, President, United States (1735-1826)
>  -----------------------------------------------------------
> Any  opinions,  explicit  or  implied,  are solely those of
> the author and do not necessarily represent those of PANSAR
>  -----------------------------------------------------------

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