Yeah, that's exactly what we had.  Only problem was we do have a lot of
domains.  If you interested I'll be glad to send up that script (it's quite
small <1k).

Daniel Johnson

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Herrmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 8:14 PM
Subject: RE: [qmailadmin] Yikes! users disappear from qmailadmin interface

> Fixed!!! I know how to fix it!!!
> Ok, if you look inside the vpasswd file for the domain in question, it'll
> look like:
> [root@gemini]# cat vpasswd
> l/domains/
> -------------------
> If, however the first entry looks like:
> [root@gemini]# cat vpasswd
> l/domains/
> -------------------
> Then nothing will show up. The important thing to note is that the
> user has **no** clear text password. The quickest, and easiest way to fix
> my case was the vi the vpasswd file and add ":" after each user (you don't
> need to actually add the password).
> To explain a bit further... if you had 20 users, and the first 10 had the
> clearpassword field set, and the 11th didn't, and users 12-20 did, then
> users from 11 - 20 will show up in the web interface. The first 10 users
> will show up, however.
> Obviously, if you have many domains, and many users then you're not going
> be able to do what I did, and I suggest you find that mysterious
> cdb-addclearpass script!
> Cheers,
> Chris
> |-----Original Message-----
> |Sent: Friday, 16 August 2002 00:27
> |To: Trey Nolen
> |Subject: Re: [qmailadmin] Yikes! users disappear from qmailadmin
> |interface
> |
> |
> |On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Trey Nolen wrote:
> |
> |> We had this happen when upgrading to qmailadmin 1.0.2. It
> |happened because
> |> of clear text passwords. In our old version, they were
> |disabled (because
> |> they were not default) and in Qmailadmin 1.0.2, they ARE
> |default, so they
> |> got enabled. The extra field in the vpasswd file caused the
> |users to not
> |> show up, but everything else worked.  Could that be your
> |issue as well?
> |
> |Well, it describes the probem exactly, except that even users created
> |after the rebuilding of vpopmail don't show up.  If I run
> |vmoduser -C "" <user@domain>
> |per the FAQ on a user, that user still doesn't show up.
> |
> |I then did a make clean, make distclean and reconfigured, built and
> |installed vpopmail, did a make clean and make install-strip on
> |qmailadmin,
> |and the old accounts are showing up again.  However, the
> |accounts created
> |between these two rebuilds do not.  So, I did:
> |
> |~vpopmail/bin/vmoduser -e "" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> |
> |And that brought that user back.  Hopefully, not too many new accounts
> |were created in that 18 hour period...I'll have fun checking, though :)
> |
> |> > I just reconfigured and reinstalled vpopmail 5.3.8 to
> |enable roaming users
> |> > and change the location of the tcp.smtp file to the qmail
> |default /etc,
> |> > then recompiled and reinstalled qmailadmin 1.0.2 doing a
> |simple "make
> |> > clean" and "make install" and now when you log in as
> |postmaster, none of
> |> > the users show up for the domain.
> |> >
> |> > users can still send/receive and authenticate, and the
> |postmaster can even
> |> > add new users, but cannot see or modify any of
> |them...dunno what I broke,
> |> > but looking at the config options doesn't show me anything
> |obvious...any
> |> > pointers really appreciated...
> |
> |James Smallacombe       PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
> =========================================================================

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