> I just checked the code, in user.c and it looks like the 
> quota patch allows for setting the quota to any value. Just 
> added new code to #ifdef ENABLE_MODIFY_QUOTA in the add and 
> modify user code to completely disable setting quota's if 
> --enable-modify-quota=n
> Also just updated the add_user template to use 
> add_user_quota.html and add_user_noquota.html depending on 

Also, I think some ifdef's would need to be added to the
"add mailing list" screen

This screen is showing a QUOTA box even if you have 
configured qmailadmin with 


And if I can make one other v1.0.7 suggestion.... I don't think 
those links to the user and admin guides should be included
on the qmailadmin login page.

The pages they link to are not very generic, they contain 
information specific to the ISP that authored the instructions. 
These pages are going to cause a lot of confusion amongst 
qmailadmin end-users.

By including the links you are also making qmailadmin reliant on 
a 3rd-party's web server and document authoring skills... 
Not such a hot idea in my opinion.

Although some of us know how to go and remove such HTML from
show_login.html, I think many less technical users are not going
to know how to do this, and then they will be stuck with these
confusing links on their login pages...


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