You only have a single dash (-) in front of those options. They all require two dashes (--).

At 11:23 AM 02-06-2003, Øystein Kjosavik wrote:
[root@mail src]# tar -xzf tar/vpopmail-5.3.11.tar.gz
./configure --enable-roaming-users=y -enable-logging=y \
     -enable-learn-passwords=y -enable-clear-passwd=y \
     --enable-defalt-domain=your-main-domain-FQDN \
     --enable-mysql -enable-defaultquota=10M
[root@mail src]# cd vpopmail-5.3.11
ng=y \mail vpopmail-5.3.11]# ./configure --enable-roaming-users=y -enable-loggi
>      -enable-learn-passwords=y -enable-clear-passwd=y \
>      --enable-defalt-domain=your-main-domain-FQDN \
>      --enable-mysql -enable-defaultquota=10M
configure: warning: -enable-logging=y: invalid host type
configure: warning: -enable-learn-passwords=y: invalid host type
configure: error: can only configure for one host and one target at a time
[root@mail vpopmail-5.3.11]#
Best regard

from Norway

Paul Theodoropoulos
The Nicest Misanthrope on the Net

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