At 08:48 AM 02-19-2003, Birger Mortensen wrote:
I am verry happy for Qmailadmin , but i got a lot of mailing lists ( 40+ ).
The list is not sortet , the images/buttens is all red ( delete.png )  It's verry easy to press the wrong butten if i edit the one off the last list's.
One fast solution is to use a frame set with fixed top - but the header looks like is hardcodet in source ?
Thats the my main problem.

i'd like to chime in with a 'me too' on this. maybe not a frameset, but even something as simple as a pastel shading to the background that alternates every three rows or so, and maybe make most of the buttons in columns blue, with the 'dangerous' ones - deletes - red.

Paul Theodoropoulos
The Nicest Misanthrope on the Net

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