On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 12:12, Ajai Khattri wrote:
> We are currently setting up qmailadmin. I was wondering if anyone had 
> written any patches to qmailadmin so that the "Domain Name" field on the 
> login page displays a pulldown of domain-names instead of just a text 
> field? Maybe pulling the domains from vpopmail at runtime? ;-)

Easy.  Just change your qmailadmin-1.12/html/show_login.html:

<tr><td>Domain Name </td><td>
        <SELECT name="domain">
                <option value="domain1.com">domain1.com
                <option value="domain2.com">domain2.com
                <option value="domain3.com">domain3.com
<input type="hidden" size="14" name="domain" value="orginaldomain1.com"

And make install.  (or just change it where it's installed)


> (No customers will ever see qmailadmin so this is OK for us
> ).

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