Dear All,
I have some problem,
I have a mail server use for production, and runngin around 2 years
ago, running well, but suddenly my qmailadmin could not operate all
menu, like add email, account, add forward, see the mailing list, and
I just got error message "File Error 6",
and then I try to upgrade the qmailadmin into 1.0.27, but the error
still happen, and
I was try to chown the qmailadmin file into "www", but I still
couldn't using this qmailadmin.

I do not know what I have todo, my mail
server now still running, and still can retrieve by mail client or
would U please to give some solution for my problem
hope some one give me some solution for this case.. I Do need the
highly appreciate for any kind support and solution

Warm regards,

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