At 10:50 AM 10/29/2003, Paul L. Allen wrote:
So how to fix this problem?  ETRN?  Nope, qmail doesn't support it
without patching, and it's not particularly safe anyway.  Serialsmtp
and autoturn?  Apparently not, from what I've read since it expects
static IP.  Mailrdirsmtp and some custom "I'm alive" software at each
end?  Maybe, but I don't yet understand how to make maildirsmtp
co-exist with vpopmail.  Fetchmail running on the firewall we supplied
them?  Ideal except that Fetchmail reacts badly to some mailing lists
and automated systems, I am told.

i don't think djb makes any bones about the fact that qmail is meant for serious MTA usage. sites on non-static IP addresses are not serious MTA sites. that's my opinion, but i think it's borne out in practice as well. anyone who intends to transport significant amounts of mail, reliably, does not do so on a dynamic IP. hobbyists do that. and that's fine - nothing wrong with being a hobbyist. but its rather like complaining that a semi-truck trailer makes a poor minivan.

And if it weren't for DJB's stubbornness, its usage might actually
be growing instead of steadily declining.


I hope it will happen, but I am far from confident.  I think it more
likely that Postfix or Exim will take over.  A point-and-click monkey
can install Red Hat 8 with Postfix as part of the distro and configure
it as easily as Windows and Exchange.  Installing qmail and all the
add-on packages required takes longer and requires a very steep learning

I wouldn't want to entrust my important email to anyone who is unwilling or unable to deal with the 'steep' learning curve of qmail.

disclaimer, i am in business providing bulletproof email services. i use qmail and vpopmail.

you can have my qmail when you pry it from my cold dead servers. so to speak. ;^)

Paul Theodoropoulos

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