On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 15:18, Ulrik S. Kofod wrote:
> Eero Volotinen sagde:
> >
> > Install new system on other machine. Dump mysql data from machine and
> > import to other
> > machine, also move /home/vpopmail/domains to new machine. (remember to
> > keep permission + ower & group)
> >
> >
> That was exactly what I already did do, except I used dump/restore instead
> of tar. What I didn't know and just found out by trying, is that I had to
> go and add the domains one by one in vqadmin (isn't there and easier
> way?)

yes, make sure to copy the contents of /var/qmail/control/* and
/var/qmail/users/assign to the new system.  also after copying
users/assign, make sure to run qmail-newu to refresh the cdb file.

> I get this error:
>          " Error. Domain was not found in the assign file "

what I said above should fix that


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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