Never mind.  I figured it out.
The answer is to install/upgrade to vpopmail v5.4.0, then re-install qmailadmin.
I hope this information helps others ...
Have a great day !
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Roppolo
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 10:09 AM
Subject: qmailadmin installation issue

Hi there -
I'm trying to install qmailadmin (ver 1.2.0) for the first time on my machine (debian: testing).
There used to be a ./configure parameter "--enable-vpopmaildir=<dir name>" which told the installer where your vpopmail directory is located, but the v1.2.0 installation guide no longer lists this as an option.
The reason I ask is when I "make" the installation, I get the following errors:
gcc -I.   -I. -I. -I.     -g -O2 -c `test -f 'qmailadmin.c' || echo './'`qmailadmin.c
qmailadmin.c:28:29: vpopmail_config.h: No such file or directory
qmailadmin.c:36:22: vpopmail.h: No such file or directory
qmailadmin.c:37:19: vauth.h: No such file or directory
qmailadmin.c:38:21: vlimits.h: No such file or directory
qmailadmin.c: In function `main':
What is the work around for this issue ?

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