how to run this command it says
# make qmailadmin setuid root
make: *** No rule to make target `setuid'.  Stop.

Satinder Pal Singh
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Kitchen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [qmailadmin] "Invalid Login"

> On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 22:29, ep wrote:
> > Hi, after I add a new domain via vpopmail, like this:
> > ~vpopmail/bin/vadddomain -i 510 -d 510 password123
> >
> > i cannot log in with this domain in qmailadmin!  if i leave out the -i
> > and -d flags & arguments, it works, but i want to store the "domains"
> > directory under the home dir of a specific user on the system, not
> > under vpopmail's home dir.  so i add the -i and -d, w/ vadddomain.  it
> > creates the dir's and files in 510's home dir, it adds the info in
> > qmail's "assign" file, but no success logging in as postmaster with
> > qmailadmin.  what is the prob?
> permissions.
> qmailadmin by default is setuid vpopmail.  The vpopmail user doesn't
> have access to read the files you created with vadddomain under the
> different uid/gid.
> solution:  make qmailadmin setuid root
> -Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy Kitchen
> Systems Administrator
> Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
> .....................
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