valias mysql was not supported in qmailadmin 1.2.0. Tom added support for valias/mysql in qmailadmin 1.2.1

At 12:56 PM 3/26/2004, you wrote:

I'm using vpopmail 5.4.0 with qmailadmin 1.2.0 and noticed that the link to manage aliases is missing in the qmailadmin interface, after reading posts in this mailing list i learned that forwards & aliases are merged into 'forwards' only, that's fine with me however i noticed a problem: i'm using vpopmail with mysql authentication and it seems there's something wrong with the way forwards are enumerated / created in qmailadmin, if i add an alias with vpopmail using e.g: ./valias -i <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] an entry gets added to the valias mysql table as it should, i can send emails to the alias address i'll receive them fine, the problem arise when i try to view the alias i've just created in the qmailadmin interface, it won't show up. After looking at the qmailadmin source it turns out aliases / forwards are enumerated by seaching .qmail* files in the domain directory, but there's no such file for the alias i've created since i'm using mysql authentication! There's a similar problem when adding forwards through the qmailadmin interface, qmailadmin will create a .qmail file for the forward instead of adding an entry to the valias mysql table, causing inconsistencies. I'm not familiar with the vpopmail api and didn't look at it yet, but doesn't it have a way that qmailadmin could use to create/ enumerate aliases which is independent of the auth system used by vpopmail, just like it does for users? I mean, whether you create aliases/forwards using 'vpopmail/bin/valias' or through qmailadmin they should all be stored the same way (in the mysql table if you use mysql, or as a qmail file otherwise) shouldn't they? Will there be an update to qmailadmin and possibly vpopmail if it's missing an aliases/forwards enumeration&creation api ?

Best Regards

Best Regards,

Jeff Koch, Intersessions

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