Adam Ossenford writes:


  This is my first post and at the cost of getting some nasty replies I have a question about the installation.  I have been following the install guide from and have ran into a problem.  qmail admin compiles and installs just fine.  I have already installed and tested vqadmin but everytime I access is just sends me a text file.  the server was accessed 1 time before a domain and domain user was created but I cannot find the answer to my question anywhere.  I am thinking apache is not rendering this file as a cgi program because it lacks an extension.  I have googled for hours and tried about 50 different configs for apache and nothing seems to work.  qmailadmin will only serve me a text file that looks like binary or machine language. I am very confused at this point. Please refrain from telling me how dumb this question is :), I know it's dumb but I had to ask.

thank you for your help


Adam Ossenford

Make sure the file is marked executable.
chmod +x /path_to_qmailadmin/qmailadmin


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