Hi list !

I recently have to reinstall my qmail based mail server and now it's up
and running.

The problem is with the web based administration part which for some
unknown reason to me i can't get it to work.

Vqadmin installed right out of the box and works perfect.

The problem is with qmailadmin, after some work to get it display on my
virtualhost address i stumbled on the login part. I supply the required
username (postmaster) and the correct password but the script responds
"Invalid login". I guess it complains from other reason then wrong
username/password but in the webserver's error log i can't find any info
related to this !

I tried with a secure virtualhost but the result is the same.

After some googleing i've set the owner of qmailadmin to root because i
thought is a permissions issue but, no result. I don't use suexec.
Vpopmail is using mysql tables to store data and my toaster is setup after
Bill Shupp's tutorial (www.shupp.org). I've setup the virtual domains
using the -u switch to enable system quotas for my hosted domains.

The mysql server is not local so i've put the following line in


Vpopmail works fine with this setting, i can receive and send mail but
qmailadmin refuses to work :(

I sense there's a permission related problem but i can't locate it since
the logs do not tell me anything !

Thanks in advance for your help !

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