
I am using the latest version of qvadmin and qmailadmin
on qvadmin when we create a virtual domain we can specify how many
account/alias/forward/mailinglist/robots right ? I choose blank for
unlimited of those..

But weird think is on qmailadmin all menu is there except Alias ? I cant
find Alias menu... I come back again to qvadmin to check and number of
Alias is unlimited (blank)

but when I check on vqadmin >> Show Users >> >> there the was
the information number of Forward/Alias users, when I check again on
qmailadmin on Forward menu, it display users who has alias not forwarded

Let me clarify it first
Alias: is where an email account get another name but the name it self
does not have a mailbox
Forward: is where an email_account_A can forward his emails to another
email_account_B, both email_account has a valid mailbox

So, I can say that the current qmailadmin has missed the Forward menu and
mistype Alias with Forward.. Is there a way to fix it??

thx u

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