At 08:55 AM 4/4/2007, you scribbled:
I have ONE account on my qmail server that needs to be able to receive mail from only one domain, namely its own domain. Users will forward incorrectly labled spam/ham to this folder for spamassassin to learn through a script. But I don't want that account open for everyone in the world to send to it...because then anyone could send anything into that box and when spamassassin would go through the learning process it would begin to skew the database. Only valid emails from my own domain should be able to send anything to this box. Does anyone know if there is a way to accomplish this?

seems to me you should make it accept mail from everywhere, but ignore the sender, otherwise it's going to learn that all your customers are spammers.

... but beyond that, it doesn't matter, because anything else sent to it will still be spam.
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