
I'm relatively new to qmail admin, and have searched the documentation, FAQ and various list archives for help with this problem, to no avail.

I have taken over administration of a qmail/vpopmail installation and need to swap a domain with another domain which is currently its alias - ie, so that the 'aliasing' is reversed. I followed these steps...

1. Shut down qmail with 'qmailctl stop'. Had issues with smtpd not stopping, so I ran svc -d qmail-smtpd, which stopped it.

2. Edit /var/qmail/users/assign and change these two lines...


to read


3. Update /var/qmail/users/cdb by running qmail-newu. Ran 'strings cdb | grep domain.com' to ensure changes had taken affect.

4. Copy /home/vpopmail/domains/mydomain.com tree to /home/vpopmail/domains/myaliasdomain.com, retaining all file permissions and ownership ('rsync -az mydomain.com/ myaliasdomain.com').

5. Edit /home/vpopmail/domains/myaliasdomain.com/vpasswd and change all directories to be under /home/vpopmail/domains/myaliasdomain.com

6. Reboot server

I would have thought that these steps would be enough, but having followed them, mail is still being delivered to the old directory (/home/vpopmail/domains/mydomain.com).

I'm guessing somewhere in the qmail or vpopmail config I've left a reference to the old directory. I can not for the life of me work out where it might be though.

Any help greatly appreciated.



peter skipworth
argo open solutions

mob 0433 265 561
ph  03 9820 0536
fax 03 8610 0379

peter skipworth
argo open solutions

mob 0433 265 561
ph  03 9820 0536
fax 03 8610 0379

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