I tried to uninstall with rpm -e qmailadmin-toaster and qmailadmin and
I got the message the package is not installed.
I tried to reinstall with rpm -ivh, with rpm -Uvh I got the message
the package is already installed.
Nice, right??
Please try to give me a hint beside formating and reinstalling the whole system.
Does qmailadmin have a log?

On 10/24/05, Michael Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If the invalid login message is displayed along the top of the page,
> immediately followed by the mail administration login screen again, then
> this is probably coming from the qmail admin module and not Apache. If
> qmailadmin uses the same password store as webmail, (can anyone
> confirm?) then the problem is probably not with the password, but
> somehow related to the installation of qmail admin. I wonder if it's
> possible to re-install that module from the package distribution without
> hosing the rest of your system. Have you tried?
> -Mike
> Istvan Kope wrote:
> >If nobody had this problem, at least please tell me, that "Invalid
> >Login" message from qmailadmin, in which log it is saved? Or tell me
> >which logs can tell me more about this issue and where are these logs,
> >except apache log, which has nothing....
> >
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