check your smtp logs: /var/log/qmail/smtp/current
Maybe thereĀ“s something clarifying in there.

On 12/22/05, Christian Schmied <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> if I understand you correctly, you have now your old IP ??
> check if ipconfig outputs your ip correctly and check alos your default
> gw and netmask settings.
> You can check both settings directly in the configs -
> /etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
> bg
> christian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harry Zink [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: [qmailtoaster] URGENT: problem after changing IP...
> Weird, and kind urgent (as my qmailtoaster appears down, because of
> this)
> I had to change IP of the box QmailToaster runs. I used netconfig, and
> rebooted. Did what I needed to do, and the changed the IP back to what
> it was before, using netconfig, and rebooted.
> Now, the box appears to be isolated, and while I can ping it, and ssh
> into it, no aspect of qmailtoaster appears to work!! Can't check mail
> (IMAP), can't send mail.
> ???
> A Quick qmailstaty ields:
> clamd: up (pid 11438) 15 seconds
> imap4: up (pid 11816) 0 seconds
> imap4-ssl: up (pid 11821) 0 seconds
> pop3: up (pid 11826) 0 seconds
> pop3-ssl: up (pid 11828) 0 seconds
> send: up (pid 11431) 15 seconds
> smtp: up (pid 11810) 0 seconds
> clamd/log: up (pid 11443) 15 seconds
> imap4/log: up (pid 11447) 15 seconds
> imap4-ssl/log: up (pid 11462) 15 seconds
> pop3/log: up (pid 11469) 15 seconds
> pop3-ssl/log: up (pid 11452) 15 seconds
> send/log: up (pid 11430) 15 seconds
> smtp/log: up (pid 11427) 15 seconds
> It seems some services are not running after the restart -- any idea
> what's going on, and how to fix this?
> On Centos 4.2, using latest Qmailtoaster.
> Harry
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