sir is it okay if a separate /var is used? and how large might this be on an 80Gbytes HDD. Im planning to use CENTOS.
thank you sir...

Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
seekuel wrote:

> sorry sir it is 40Gbytes and 80Gbytes.

If you let the distro set it up, most of them now-a-days are making a
huge / partition. They'll set up say 768M as a swap, and the rest for
the root (/) partition, which is where the home dir is located in this
scenario. If you have multiple drives in the machine, you can set one as
the /home dir (say the 80G drive), and then use the 40G as the / partition.
Some more information would be needed to plan on how to set this up for
a mail server. How many accounts, how much space do you want them to
have, etc. This will allow you to plan for the load your server will
carry. If you have 70 users, and want to give them 1G of email space, I
would allocate 10G for the root (/), and make a separate for the /home
directory using 70G of space, or something close to that.

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