After going through the file system ... I realized that qmailadmin is
not located in
/usr/share/toaster like the rest of the toaster files BUT in
/usr/share instead would that make a difference?

On 2/19/06, Gabriel Lai Yong Shern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  What about you try to rpm -e qmailadmin
>  and re compile qmailadmin & install it back manually? Did you try?
>  Maybe something is missing??
>  Richard Baxant wrote:
>  +--------------------+
> | Tables_in_vpopmail |
> +--------------------+
> | mydomain_com |
> | dir_control |
> | lastauth |
> | valias |
> +--------------------+
> My domain is also available in the mentioned sections of the Toaster Admin.
> After clicking "" in List Domain I see the following
> permissions:
> Directory /home/vpopmail/domains/
> User ID 89
> Group ID 89
> I'm not really sure how this affects qmailadmin not displaying the
> links properly?
> On 2/19/06, Gabriel Lai Yong Shern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello Richard,
> I did a testing based on your error. I found that the "Invalid Login" could
> be because of the virtual domain(s) is not in vqadmin.
> Try logon to admin-toaster
> http://<your-qmail-ip>/admin-toaster/
> login with your username & password. Once you logon, at the main menu, Click
> on Add and edit Virtual domains vqadmin-2.3.4
> then click on List Domains, type in your domain, see whether is it listed in
> the database.
> Let us know the result.Gab
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