Hello everybody,

My colleagues have noticed something about (at least) one of our Qmail

The quota that we set when first creating an account doesn't appear to
be the true quota limit per domain.  

It seems to be the quota per email address created.  

He saw one domain with a 200MB limit go beyond 300MB when few e-mail
accounts got created.  There is some concern about this because another
domain was found to have a 201 email account limit.

For example; if our customer creates all of the POP accounts they're
allowed to create, and then each account uses up all of the space
they're limited to, it ends up being 40GB used for just that one domain.
Another e-mail account was found to have surpassed its individual 200MB
limit--presently using 250MB.

Are we adding these accounts incorrectly?  Did a service stop, or is
Please advise.

Thanks in advance.

Dairenn Lombard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
BroadSpire, Inc.
Systems Administration Dept.

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