Hello.. thanks All
Now my smtp connection speed good.. thanks
i modify /var/qmail/supervise/smtp/run
before = tcpsmtp -v -R -H -l $HOSTNAME
to be  = tcpsmtp -D -v -R -H -l $HOSTNAME
because in man tcpserver said -D for no delay (i dont know just try)
and my /var/qmail/control/blacklist
before = -r sbl.spamhaus.org -r bl.spamcop.net -r relays.ordb.org -r dnsbl.antispam.or.id
to be = blank
my $HOSTNAME = already my real machine's name
"You may try remove the DNS reverse lookup performed in here as well "= i dont know how to do that
*About messages stay long in queue
what do you thing the factors
clam takes long time to scan the messages in the queue.
If it's because of the clam process may be i just add more memory
Thank You
Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:
Nurcahyo Santoso wrote:
> Hello... sorry for ask a lot. My qmailtoaster smtp response sometimes
> very slow, need about 3-4 minutes to get welcome message, and messgae
> stay in queue very long. pls see my configuration bellow maybe there's
> mistake. i have to switch mx record next week to qmailtoaster ip ....
Out of curiosity, did you modify your /var/qmail/supervise/smtp/run file
any? You may try remove the DNS reverse lookup performed in here as well
for testing. Erik is thinking the same thing as me, in that it's a DNS
issue. When you connect to the SMTP server, there's only really 2 things
that can slow it down: 1. DNS slow in doing a reverse lookup 2. CPU is
loaded performing some other task (spam checking a previous message,
multiple rsync connections, etc.)
In your smtp/run file you may also change HOSTNAME to your machine's
real name.
You may also try and watch your CPU load while you make these
connections and see what the load is during these slow logins, and what
else may be running that you're not aware of.

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