Hello all,

hey, thanks to those who put this group of packages together and tested it up...coming into a qmail setup from an exim shop has been fairly painless with qmailtoaster...far simpler than rolling my own exim/debian/blah concoction together.

Anyway, a new need at our shop is to have existing qmailtoaster be smart enough to route messages to a second qmailtoaster server at our second shop in another city, all under the same domain whatever.com

So I got some users locally in server1, and will have some users locally on server2, and mail from the internet coming to _____@whatever.com will land at server1, and either get delivered locally or get passed on to server2. I know this is something that qmail-ldap is the ultimate solution for, but it seems pretty involved to setup and administer and I haven't found qmailldaptoaster yet, heh heh. Also, at our shop, there aren't many who can even spell computer so I don't want to make things unneccesarily complicated. And we're also talking a small number of mailboxes here, like <150 mailboxes total and very rare for changes to be made to those...so if a simple fix involves making .qmail files for so and so and something fairly manual, I don't mind. I've thought up a few really ugly ways to attempt to do this, but it seems like I'd just be opening a door wide open for spammers to hump my mailserver...so anyone's experience or thoughts here _greatly_ appreciated.

Thanks a bunch,

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