I just installed qmail toaster on a blank CentOS 4.3
for this I used this guide:
Everything went well without any errors/warnings

The problem is that after I do: "service qmail start" I get this
message: "hostname: Unknown host" repeated all the time

When I try to login to squirrel mail I get this error:
Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost.
111 : Connection refused

When I do: telnet localhost 111
I get a connection refused answer
When I look into the logs:
/var/log/qmail/imap4/current :
@40000000445f2986292539dc tcpserver: fatal: unable to figure out port
number for /usr/sbin/imaplogin

the same for the logs of imap4-ssl and pop3-ssl:
@40000000445f298705d9371c tcpserver: fatal: unable to figure out port
number for /usr/bin/couriertls
@40000000445f2985032f25bc tcpserver: fatal: unable to figure out port
number for /usr/bin/couriertls

I do not have a domain name on my server, just its IP
when creating the certificate I used as common name my server IP
I do not have BIND running on my server

Please help
Thank you

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