Hi all!  I got a few question...



First, I got a strange error if I try to add a domain.  Create it goes fine, but if I try to log in with the postmaster account to create new account (on qmailadmin), it said "invalid login".  Same thing with another account created manually on the shell.  After some test, I see that the folder /home/vpopmail/domains/"domain.tld" doesn't have appropriated right assignment.  Normally it should be 'drwx------  vpopmail vchkpw' but it is

'drwx------  3 salearn 503'.  "salearn" user is a user that I created a few weeks ago to run my salearn script and group "503" is the backup group... added a few weeks ago too!  I delete this user/group and delete the domain in trouble and create it again for testing...  but now folder permission is

'drwx------      502    503' (uid of salearn user and backup group that I

deleted)!  I got invalid login too even if I change them for vpopmail and vvhkpw.




The second thing is that the folder list doesn't download completely on first usage, only the Inbox folder.  If user log into Squirrelmail, folder will be downloaded!




The third, do you know any project for mass mailbox to maildir conversion?

My old Sendmail server use /var/mail for Inbox and /home/"user" for directory that the user has created to classify their mail... so it can be long by using Perfect Maildir script in each folder on large mail system!



< I run latest version of QmailToaster on a clean CentOS 4.2 install.

Theses problems seems to be appeared since upgrade... >



Thanks in advance for any help.


Best regards,

Kaven G.

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