hi eric ^_^,

what i mean with "i586 text" is it was the parameter for my CentOS 4.3 installation ...
not for qmailtoaster :) ...

the default installation architecture for CentOS is i386, and because my system is using Xeon,
therefor i'm using i586 parameter so that it will be more optimized to my system (CMIIW) ...

"text" is for text-based CentOS installation not GUI, because when i'm using GUI,
it will hung in the middle of installation :( ... it's a bug in CentOS GUI installation i guess ...

it's my pleasure to support this qmailtoaster development, looking forward for your upgrade.sh script released :)

regards ^_^,


Eric "Shubes" wrote:
Hi TiTo,

I'm still wondering which value would be best for ARCH. From what you said earlier, i686 is good for you.

I'm not sure what you mean by the "i586 text" parameter. Wouldn't i686 have been better, or is that not possible?

I still don't have a clear understanding of what the various ARCH setting values actually do. To my knowledge, they simply optimize the compiler for the given processor. i386 is the most compatible, so it's used for a lot of binary rpms. Since we're building from source though, my thinking is that the closest match would be best.

If someone would clue me in, I'd be grateful. In the meanwhile, and from what you've said, I think we'll go with `uname -p` for ARCH, unless/until someone has a problem with it.

Thanks for your help!

-Eric 'shubes'

TiTo wrote:
hi eric ^_^,

result on my system :

This machine's OS is supported, but this version/arch has not been tested.
If your OS is not current, you should consider upgrading it.
Proceed at your own risk ...

my production server is CentOS 4.3 installed using i586 text parameter for the installation ... :

# i586 text

thx ^_^,


Eric "Shubes" wrote:
I wrote the attached script today. It assigns the DISTRO, ARCH, and BDIR variables for the install and upgrade scripts. This will help allow for a single install and upgrade script for all platforms, making maintenance easier.

In its present form, it doesn't *do* anything except output (echo) the variables as it determines them, along with a few other messages.

I have tested it on CentOS4.3/i386 and Fedora5/i386. I also simulated a test for Suse10.1/i386.

If you are running a distro other than these, I could use your help. Please run the script and send me the output, letting me know if you think it's correct or not. Hopefully it won't bomb, and I promise it won't hurt your system a bit.

TIA for your help.

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