Uggh. I've been running an install of qmailtoaster testing it and what not. Everything has been great. Our servers all have a naming scheme so I just changed the hostname from localhost.localdomain to mail.ourdomain.com. After doing that pop3 sessions no longer work. IMAP is able to connect fine but pop3 just continues to fail. If I attempt to connect to localhost on 110 I get the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] control]# telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK <2082.1152112815@/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw>
pass 123123123
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir
-ERR unable to write pipe
Connection closed by foreign host.

If I reset the password it does nothing. I can login via webmail just fine. I am lost and not sure what needs to be changed. Changing the hostname back isn't an option for me.

Any help would be great. I have checked through all my files in /var/qmail/control. I updated the locals file to add the new domain, however the defauldomain file and defaulthost files are empty. Is that normal?
Default domain should be your IP address (if you're using virtualhosts), and defaulthost should be your IP as well.

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