Eric "Shubes" wrote:
Dave Taylor wrote:

Thanks for the hint. I couldn't find any info on vqadduser via google, like it's syntax/format and whatnot, so I will have to wait until I have the new qmail-toaster installation up and running to check it out.


Dave T

Sorry about that, Dave. My bad. The command is

# vadduser [EMAIL PROTECTED] <user-password>

not vqadduser!


Oh, now that's better! I've used that command before. Do you think it will handle encrypted passwords? Or how do I glean the cleartext passwords from the encrypted ones dumped by vadduser?
Thanks again,

Dave T

I don't know how you might bring encrypted passwords over.

You might be able to dump the encrypted passwords from the old system, then use native SQL to update them into the database once the users have been added (with whatever new temporary password). I don't know if that'd work or not, so I'd test it out first before committing to that route.

It might be simplest just to give everyone a new password. That's a call you'll need to make.

Thank you for all your help.



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