>Oops. I forgot the format. Try
># chroot /opt/qmt-sandbox
>That should either give you a shell prompt in the named directory. If it
tells you it can't find shell, that the same error as we're seeing in the
script. We'll take it from there.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] qmt]# chroot /opt/qmt-sandbox
"chroot: cannot run command '/bin/bash' : No such file or directory"

>BTW, which distro/version are you running? I doubt that it would make any
difference, but good to know. >I'm using current CentOS.

As am I - CentOS current. 
Uname -a returns:
Linux server.rej.us 2.6.9-34.0.2.Elsmp #1 SMP Fri Jul 7 18:22:55 CDT 2006
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

>I don't know what which IRC clients run on XP (google is your friend),
there must be at least a handful. The address is irc.freenode.net,
#QmailToaster channel.

I'll have a look around and check it out.

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