I have had quite a few of these recently, the spammers are resorting to whatever methods they can to get by. Jake Vickers wrote:

Michael Handiboe wrote:

Stanley Robins wrote:

hi all

I am receiving complaints that when my users receive emails in squirrelmail they see white box and cannot read anything, but if they select the white box with select all, they can see the html, also i checked it works with squirrelmail default theme, but with other themes/skins it does not seem to work, what can be done now ? i googled it but no avail.. and this happens in FF, opera, ie

thank you

Sounds like the text as it's displayed in the browser has the same color as the background color of the browser ...

I've seen this with spam before. They usually put the text as the same color as the background, and then overlay a gif advertising their pills over it all. Helps them get by spamassassin and bayesian filters.

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