This would make a nice addition to the wiki faqs (

(hint hint) ;)

Chris Marcellin wrote:
i had the same problem, put a slash at the end "/", for example, http://www.<myhost>/admin-toaster/

Alastair Gregory wrote:
I've installed/upgraded my Toaster on Fedora Core 5, created the domain via vadddomain, and created a user. Thanks to Eric for getting me past the last roadblock! My packages are up to date and the system appears to be running.

The problem I've hit now is that I can't get to *http://<myhost>/admin-toaster* -just get a 404 Not Found error.
I tried rebuilding with
rpmbuild --rebuild qmailadmin-toaster-1.2.9-1.3.1.src.rpm
rpmbuild --rebuild vqadmin-toaster-2.3.4-1.3.2.src.rpm
rpm -i /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/qmailadmin-toaster-1.2.9-1.3.1.i386.rpm
rpm -i /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/vqadmin-toaster-2.3.4-1.3.2.i386.rpm

but no luck.

Do I have to do anything to make Apache serve the admin-toaster pages?

Thanks for your help!

-Eric 'shubes'

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